Researchers at Drexel’s C. &. J. Nyheim Plasma Institute are retrofitting a cold plasma air filter they designed in the early 2000s, to ward off anthrax attacks, in hopes it can be used in HVAC systems to prevent airborne SARS-CoV-2 from spreading indoors.

Researchers at Drexel University’s C. & J. Nyheim Plasma Institute are modifying an air sterilization system they created to combat the threat of anthrax attacks post-9-11 in hopes it can now help to ward off COVID-19.

“As public health research reveals how the virus can persist and be transmitted through the air in indoor environments, it will become increasingly important for engineers to develop air sterilization technology that can neutralize or remove it,” said Alexander Fridman, PhD, director of the Nyheim Plasma Institute and a professor in Drexel’s College of Engineering, who is a leading National Science Foundation-supported effort to develop technology that can neutralize the novel coronavirus.

Read the whole story here.